Feedback and Testimonials for Teaching & Mentoring
"The summer I spent learning from Phoebe has greatly affected me. My studies as a high school student are now dependent on critical thinking and questioning, instead of regurgitating and memorizing. My life as a teenager is one of deep thought about the world around me and my purpose in it instead of stress and anxiety. I am endlessly grateful to have met and have learned from Phoebe. I hope that more people will have the same opportunity."
- Karen, 16 - 8-week summer project in the lab under my supervision (London, June - August 2015)
I just wanted to say thank you so much for the guidance over the last few days. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work next to you and I've learned more in the last 2 days than I did during my last 2 years of Science A-level. I'm feeling so motivated and clear about my future, and excited about where it may lead, thanks for the things you told me! Thank you for being a great teacher and for your time and energy!
- Sophie, 18 - interned in the with under my supervision (London February 2016)
Working with Kian (age 11 ) in Dubai - to prepare a speech for an audience of 50 parents & teachers about the future of synthetic biology.
"Phoebe is an inspirational being, a person who has deeply impacted me! Her passion for mindfulness and biology has transferred on to me and I feel truly lucky because that will stay with me forever. You actually got me to try the impossible task of meditating - and for this I cannot thank you enough. I am now putting mindfulness into my every day life. You have worked miracles!
I hope more people meet you and get to experience the magic! Thanks for everything!!!"
- Arya, 14 - participant of 225 Academy (Mumbai, December 2015)
"Thank you so much for your mentoring during 225 Academy in Singapore. It was such an amazing event, and I have truly benefitted completely from it. Although at first I was a little more reserved from the experience, I am so glad that I made an effort to experience the transformative impact.
I have been practicing mindfulness at least 3-4 times every week before school in the morning, and I have truly found how much better it can make both your thinking abilities, and your feelings and thoughts throughout the day. I have been really interested in synthetic biology since your workshops, and have been continuing to realise the impact it could have on our lives. I am working on turning my project on bacteria to clean up radioactive waste into something to submit for a competition. I only have you to thank for this!
- Ethan, 12 - participant of 225 Academy (Singapore, March 2015)
I would just like to thank you for the impact you have had on my life the past two months, and the change both you and the Academy have brought to both my school life and my personal life. You have encouraged a growing interest for myself in Biomimicry and made me realise the importance and need for mindfulness in my own life. I really hope that you can continue to have a significant impact to all my future endeavours, and on the lives of others too.
Thank you very much for everything."
- Shruti, 17 - participant of 225 Academy (Singapore, November 2015)
Thanks for teaching me science in such an interesting way. I had never used art and being creative in science class before and it made learning about the world and future really exciting. Getting great science exam scores! Two facts I have to share with you that I found out since your workshop:
1. Every human being shares 99% of their DNA with every other human.
2. If you put all the DNA molecules in your body end to end, the DNA would reach from the Earth to the Sun and back over 600 times.
Thanks again!
- Zayed, 14 - participant of 225 Academy (Dubai, April 2015)
Mentoring in action - a group of young women at Dubai College put their passions and minds together to create a climate change campaign at school