Re-inventing education
I've consulted schools and projects on the future of education, having run transformative experiential learning programmes internationally, facilitated workshops across numerous disciplines and teachings, and spoken widely on the topic of re-imagining learning and education.
Our current education system evolved to fit an Industrial Age, creating what many refer to as a 'Factory Model for Education'. While the world has changed in more ways than we could have imagined, this education system has stayed stagnant. The conditions for success and well-being have completely changed, and our institutions are failing to equip young people with the skills, know-how and mindset to navigate this new landscape. To read more about this problem and how it could be solved, check out my blog.
The advantage of working on problem this at such a young age is being entirely connected to the state of the education system at the moment, having experienced it myself just a few years ago. I've also always had a great interest in learning, and very early on started accumulating the skills that allow me to be a life-long learner, or autodidact. If you can teach yourself anything, independent of a course, institution or teacher, you have the power to actively shape your life, and never be bored again. I see life as a constant learning opportunity, and wish to pass that on to others, whatever their age.
Part of my work and research around the future of education has been via the design of short, intensive learning programmes and experiences, creating a transformative impact and empowering students to self-direct their learning. You can find out more information by visiting 225 Academy. This is either complimentary to or entirely outside of the school system, and so we've had the freedom of experimenting with education at the edge.
I've explored themes as diverse as Robotics, A.I. and how new Technology will impact our lives, Climate Change, Injustice and Inequality, and what solutions to these wicked problems may looks like, Synthetic Biology and Re-wiring Life, and debating the ethics surrounding this controversial issue, and a whole array of Personal Development topics, ranging from How To Focus, Learning to Learn, Communication and harnessing Mindfulness and Meditation as a tool to cope in today's complex, changing and chaotic world. Some examples of past talks and workshops can be found here.
Whatever I am doing, I make sure that mentoring and teaching others remains an active part of my lifestyle. I have been lucky enough to take on undergraduate teaching at Imperial College London, delivering lectures, designing practical courses and taking on individual students for one-on-one mentoring. I also spent a year as a live-in mentor for first year undergraduates, which had a large welfare role and gave me a platform to teach yoga, meditation, and give career advice, and found the 'Stress Free Sundays' programme across halls of residence. Read testimonials about my mentoring and teaching young people here.
Workshops I Designed and Facilitated at 225 Academy
Below are some examples of workshops I have facilitated for young people during my time delivering transformative learning experiences at schools worldwide (Hong Kong, Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore, and UK between 2014-2016).
Western Science and Other Ways of Knowing
Why do we do science? What are the components of science and how has it changed over history as a subject, a way of seeing the world, and as a culture? We discuss exciting points of contact between Western Science and other areas such as Creativity, Art, Design, Philosophy and Ethics. How can we use science as a lens through which to see the world? To see the unconnected as connected, the mundane as interesting, and opportunities around us to investigate, be curious, discover?
Where Nature and Technology meet: Humans and our influence on Earth
The Evolution of Humans, Nature & Tech
Description: We tour through the ages on an exploration and interrogation of the relationship of Humans and Nature and by extension, Technology. We focus in on Nature as a 'resource', a deity, as a fearful force, and more recently: an inspiration and guide for creation and design. This introduces us to the two recent Revolutions in Biology and gets us thinking about the direction humanity is taking and what the future may hold.
How to Find Your Purpose and Act On It
Description: Together we trace over our personal stories and ground ourselves in our personal history and motivations. This allows us to step forward into the world aligning our passions and the world's needs, to find the thing that gets us up in the morning: purpose.
How to Start a Campaign and Create Lasting Change in the World
Description: Building off the last workshop, I guide participants through the strategy of building the voice, publicity and logistics of a campaign that fights for a cause you have identified. Methods to facilitate teamwork and leadership incl. non-hierarchical decision making and conflict resolution all play a part in creating a sustainable path to achieve your goals.
Understand the DNA Revolution, Design Your Own Super-bug and Solve World Problems
Description: Drawing from my experience in the lab, this is a tour de force of the field of synthetic biology, DIY bio and genetic engineering. Over multiple workshops, participants understand the extent of what is possible, and the sheer potential of the rapidly evolving field. Group exercises in designing a loop, or ‘plasmid’ of DNA, design principles, and applications, eventually lead learners to a point where they can design their own super-bug bacteria to solve a world problem.
Exploring the realms of genetic engineering and exploring genes that the team could use in building their own synthetic biology bacteria to change the world (225 Academy, Singapore 2015)
How to Survive (and Thrive!) in an Increasingly a Chaotic, Complex and Unpredictable World
Description: The way the World works is changing. What does this mean for us as we enter the World of Work, Study, Play and more? Rather than shy away from an increasingly VUCA world (i.e. a world that is ever more volatile, unpredictable and complex) we identify the edges of current trends and how we can use them to our best benefit - building value for ourselves and others in the process. In the discussion, we explore themes such as the Open Source movement, which allows exploration of current revolutions in economy (cryptocurrency), science (DIY Biology movement) and business (democratisation and decision-making).
One of many of Nature's designs that we draw inspiration from and fully grasp the philosophy of returning to Nature for inspiration and guidance
Designing a New World with Nature’s Guidance: Biomimicry
Description: The Biomimicry revolution is bringing together the genius of many different areas: Scientists, Designers, Philosophers, Artists, and above all, Nature’s genius. Exploring and thinking about why Nature has a lot to teach us. Nature has tried, tested and learned how to live gracefully on this planet over 3.6 billion years. Discovering examples of Biomimicry we go through the design process.
The mind changes the brain changes the mind: mindfulness for young people in action. A beautiful and engaging and powerful session, handing over a tool that in my eyes could well transform a young person's life on its own. Here I have the students sit back to back and practise focussing in on breath, synchronising breath with a partner, and becoming aware of their own, and another persons' body.
Re-wiring Your Brain: the Neuroscience of Stress, and Mindfulness
Description: A series of workshops that introduce mindfulness and meditation, and help incorporate these practises into their every day lives. The recent merging of Science and Spirituality brings us an unprecedented understanding of the benefits of Mindfulness and what practise can do to our well-being and brain. It also allows us to observe and understand how stress wreaks havoc on our being. A crash course in Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity and an understanding of the recent research in this field helps realise its sheer significance.